Chat Conversation Summaries in Home

Quickly catch up on missed messages with AI-powered conversation summaries in Google Chat.

How can it help me?

  • Save time: Get up to speed in spaces with lots of unread messages without reading everything.

  • Stay informed: Easily understand the key topics and decisions made in your absence.

  • Improved focus: Prioritize important conversations and avoid getting bogged down in details.

  • Enhanced productivity: Stay connected and engaged in team discussions even when you're busy.

  • Reduced stress: Avoid feeling overwhelmed by a backlog of unread messages.

How do I use it?

To enable conversation and space summaries in Home, you must turn on smart features in Gmail.

  1. Open Google Chat or Chat in Gmail on a computer, or via the Android or iOS Chat app.

  2. Hover over the conversation or space in Home that you want to summarize.

  3. Click "Summarize".

Tips & Tricks

  • Your Workspace admin needs to have enabled this feature in order to use it.

  • Works on the mobile Chat app on Android & iOS.